Wanting to be chased; forced to chase.

As Venus moves into Aries, that embodiment of all we desire and value turns toward uncomfortable terrain. While she would be comfortable simply being sought after and admired, instead she is being called to be the initiator, to pursue, to be the one who leads in desire.

We think of the one who initiates as being a position of strength—who makes the first offer, who asks the other person out—but it is quite vulnerable. When you really put yourself out there and let the other person know what you want and what is important to you, all the power flows toward them to determine whether that is enough for them. The person who simply waits and is asked gets to decide whether things move forward or not. They could reject your interest. They could turn down the offer.

Yet in this season, perhaps that initiating energy has more magic and charm than it would in other seasons. Because coming to someone with genuine enthusiasm, with interest, may spark a desire in them that wasn’t there before. Maybe they see you from a distance and feel mild interest, but as soon as you walk over and introduce yourself, the energy changes. The confidence you bring is exciting and interesting. The feeling of being wanted calls forth want itself.

And it is also important to respect yourself and others and not get consumed by the chase. Part of the magnetic confidence that comes forward when you make an offer, when you introduce yourself, when you ask someone out—what is sexy about that is when it’s clear you’ll be okay either way. The person could say yes or no, and you are still yourself. Your worth is not determined by their response. If you lay too much of your emotional need on their response, then things get messy and sticky, or the other person instinctively pushes away.


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