IFS Counseling and Psychospiritual Consultation

I am a Certified Internal Family Systems therapist living in Seattle, Washington. Having worked full-time as a therapist since 2013, I know that deep, profound personal change is possible. Within you, you have everything you need to live with depth, meaning, and gratitude. And all of us benefit from a strong, safe, trustworthy relationship to help us find what is within.

I am accepting new clients.

For residents of Washington state, I offer in-person and Telehealth mental health counseling and LMHCA supervision. More broadly, I offer workshops and trainings as well as clinical and psychospiritual consultations. I offer calm, curious, nonjudgmental presence and support to you. I see all of us as containing a world of conflicting desires, fears, and strategies, and therapy supports us in slowing down, befriending what feels at war within us, and discovering what our own integrated, authentic life could become. My office is located in the Licton Springs neighborhood of north Seattle.

Image of Anthony Rella, sitting, facing camera.

You may be experiencing pervasive loneliness, longing desperately to connect with others as yourself yet terrified that you’d be rejected if they saw the real you.

You may be experiencing an oppressive mood that seems to crowd out any other possibility of joy, ease, or connection.

You may be experiencing high levels of tension, fear, and an inability to soften into a confidence that you can handle what life brings.

You may be working so hard to maintain your life and get to the next level that you wonder what it would be like to simply live.

You may be so overwhelmed by conflict, distress, or disorder that you do and say things you later regret, or feel driven toward drastic actions that in the moment feel like the only solution.

I can meet you in all of these struggles, and more, and support you in connecting to what within you is calm, spacious, and capable of guiding your whole being with compassion and courage.

I tend to work well with men of all kinds; therapists; teachers; people in leadership; and LGBTQ+ people.


My book Slow Magic: Cultivating Lasting Transformation through Spellwork and Self-Growth (Llewelyn, 2025) is now available wherever you purchase books.

I am available for podcasts and live events, as well as workshops related to the material in the book. Queries may be emailed to this address.

Availability for New Clients

I am accepting new clients for in-person sessions in the Licton Springs neighborhood of Seattle, Washington; or Telehealth clients in Washington state. I am not in-network with any insurance but I can support you in providing claims or superbills to get reimbursement if your insurance offers out-of-network benefits.

I have availability for consultations. As consultation is not psychotherapy, I am available to residents outside of Washington state. You may contact me via email with a description of the issue for which you are seeking consultation.