When we’re feeling idealistic or righteous, it’s easy to look at others’ behavior and see it as irrational, and therefore not worthy ofconsideration. The logical mind seems to think that the world should work according to its understanding of things. Life will give us so many opportunities to learn that our understandings are inaccurate. That reactions occur, even if they don’t make sense and we have to deal with them. That people have opinions and feelings that we consider immoral; nevertheless, that label doesn’t make them disappear.
When this happens, it’s a useful time to soften the judgment reflex, and shift modes towards seeking true understanding. Understanding doesn’t mean I have to agree with or like what’s happening. But it means a willingness to adjust my mental models that are inaccurate to let them take information that will hopefully calibrate them towards greater accuracy.
This is a season in which opening up some more information leads to beneficial outcomes. The powers of air give us space clarity and more freedom with what is.
For some folks, their higher brain functions that are very good at suppressing emotional responses and instincts, but the larger point stands. Those emotions and instincts are still there. They are simply buried, and what wisdom they have to offer is ignored or explodes in unhelpful ways.