Scales are a tool of measurement that have also taken on the symbolism of justice and truth. They keep us honest, so that if we offer an ounce of gold, the scale will validate that. Balance is fairness and truth.
Within us, the heart weighs its own truth against what is happening. We feel if a relationship is too much taking or giving. We feel guilt when we aren’t doing enough. We feel resentment when we’re doing too much.
We can refine this power of the heart to help us make good decisions for ourselves without the extremes of suffering. Just check in to feel how the balance lands with you, and make adjustments until it is true. Remember that this balance changes daily. An agreement that felt fair yesterday may no longer be fair today because things have changed—you’ve learned new things about the situation, or you’re no longer able to hold your side of it, or you just need a day off.
Let the heart be your scales and your guide.