Some hungers are clouded by illusion.

Today the moon passes through a corridor of fantasy and compulsive action. She wants to act according to the brilliance of instinctive will toward destiny but her eyes are clouded with fantasy.

Fantasies are not bad or wrong but they are unrealistic by nature, living in our minds unencumbered by the burden to respond to real limitations. Fantasy shows a great longing and drive within, something’ deeply wanted, yet the fantasy shows that want satisfied or thwarted in unlikely ways.

Today is a day to take action but with a clear mind and open heart. Let action bring the light that burns the fog of illusion. The lover in your fantasies may look like a real person in your life, and you may decide to ask them out, but do so knowing you are going to get to know someone real now. The person in fantasy is not the person you’d date. This is a good thing to grasp. Sometimes action breaks the spell of an illusion that won’t relent.