Sober and slow.

The mind and all its powers of communication and negotiation move out of the happy, hot-headed, and horny realm of Sagittarius into the heavier, slower, earthier Capricorn. If we’ve been avoiding certain realities, they now seem large and inescapable.

There is research that indicates people in depressive states have a more accurate assessment of reality than others. That perspective is, itself, depressing—that happiness requires a measure of adaptive self delusion. A little bit of delusion isn’t so bad, it’s quite harsh when all of our avoidance gets in our face with what was ignored that is actually a big problem.

Today, as our minds shift toward sober assessment of difficulties and desires, we’re also being informed of all that’s changed in the past year and a half as we’ve collectively purged fake harmony and shallow justice and experienced a voracious appetite for fighting for our interests at all costs. This focus too is about to shift. It’s good to step back. What has fighting won you? This isn’t a trick question, there are likely some good things that have come from it. But where does it feel endless and stuck? Where could diplomacy be useful, still supporting your aims?