Neither love nor sorrow requires rescue.

Today and tomorrow, Venus and Saturn dissolve into each other in the abundant dreamworld of Pisces. Saturn in Pisces evokes the Mother of Sorrows, one who brings forth life into this earth knowing that it will experience death and suffering, whose heart overflows with both fierce love and joy for her children and also the immense grief for their pain. Venus in Pisces evokes the Great Lover, one who offers her love and pleasure freely to all, without attachment or condition, who receives all into her embrace.

Venus is considered exalted in Pisces, which allows her love to expand unfettered and invite everyone it touches to see the best within themselves, that they may heal and become who they are. And she can be so intoxicated by what she sees within others—which is their greatest good—that she is unable to see the great distance between reality and potential. Here Saturn offers a sobering dose of reality, but together they feel beautiful. They can see and accept both the frailties and the potentials and love a real person for who they really are. They can bear witness to sorrow, anger, and suffering without rushing to rescue you from it.

So often we feel we must save others from their pain, as though that were truly possible, and then feel thwarted and resentful when their pain remains regardless of our actions. We take it personally. We feel unable to put down the responsibility. But there is nothing to save. Each of us is here to bear our measure of pain and love, and learning to bear and care for those feelings is what frees us. If others take away our pain, then we don’t get to learn and become free, instead we become dependent upon them and their skill. Truly loving a person brings witness to their powers and their sufferings and asking, with care, “What do you need that will help?”