The roots of the word “weird” lie in an old term akin to fate or destiny and evoked a certain sense of power to influence those large forces. Today it comes to me as Venus, the embodiment of desire, sits squarely in the sign of Aquarius, the weirdest one. Weird in the contemporary sense of strange, outside of convention, but perhaps also in its capability to alter destiny.
Aquarius is often associated with revolutionary change, or the impulse to move towards change in a future-oriented way. Capricorn is more conservative, wanting to preserve and maintain structures of governance, whereas Aquarius sees how those structures must adapt for future need.
What intrigues me is that Venus was recently moving through Capricorn, softening the political upheaval and normalizing the second act of the Age of Trump. But then, just as she was crossing terrains, the murder of a CEO has opened the way for Venus’s shine to glow upon an agent of antagonism toward the system as it is. Truly Venus blesses the just and unjust in her journey, and even compels us to rethink our ideas of justice.
This was a larger take than usual in my contemplations, but we can look at the weirdness in our lives for the past couple weeks. What excites you now that was unthinkable a month ago? Or what new threat arises that you’d dismissed before? No matter your feelings, these changes in thought have density that will affect your days to come. How can you adapt?