It is not wrong to worry.

A personal maxim that guides my therapeutic approach is to cease being at war within the self. When we approach every part of us with friendliness and curiosity, taking for granted that it’s trying to help and not giving up until we’ve learned how it is trying to help, so much becomes easier inside. We end up at the desired destination—decreased tension and anxiety, more aliveness—but through a path that initially seems counterintuitive.

So it is that today I want to honor and thank the parts that worry, the parts that see concerning news and imagery and feel troubled about what is to come. They serve their purpose, they serve us in so many ways. And it is also true that there are limits to them, and they can drain us in their worries when there is little to do other than be aware of danger.

When I am with a worried part, I try to listen to its concern, identify any proactive action I can take, and thank it for its service. Today, I was noticing a part that felt deeply concerned by gestures made in a public event yesterday that herald back to an authoritarian government that we fought against almost a century ago. I decided to share my concern in the hopes that it would be considered, perhaps validated, or I could get some reassurance that what I feared was not the trajectory of the country. I went to a government website where in the past I would be welcome to send in a comment, and found there was nothing there. No invitation for feedback, no comments. This strengthened the concerns of my worried part.

If we do not allow outlets to express concern, they will only grow in intensity. Trying to silence, suppress, or ignore that within us that has fear does not make it smaller. May we all grow in our capacity to bear witness to each other’s concerns.