Intersectional Healers Covid-19 Fund

Anthony Rella PLLC has made a donation toward the Intersectional Healers Covid-19 Fund.

From the fundraising site:

This fund is aimed at helping mental health practitioners, energy workers, and bodyworkers in King County who have been financially impacted by cancellations and forced to close or dramatically shift their businesses due to COVID-19. Priority will be given to healers from communities that have been historically and systemically economically disadvantaged—specifically BIPOC healers, queer, transgender & nonbinary healers, and disabled healers. We hope to be able to help anyone who meets the simple criteria (practices a healing art, lives/works in King County and has completed the application below) as long as we have the funds to do so, though this is dependent on funding levels and number of applications we receive. It is our hope to keep this fundraising going for as long as we can, in order to assist all applicants. 

This has been a difficult time for all of us, and while my practice has also taken hits and I’ve been required to make difficult choices, I have also been supported and protected from some of the worst impacts.

These times make clear that the success of those who have wealth and security in this country come at the expense of the wellness, stability, and vitality of people of color, poor people, Indigenous people, queer people, trans people, disabled people, women, and nonbinary people. While the government appears to be declaring war on marginalized people, if you are in a position where you have some security, some wealth, please join me in supporting this fund.

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