Hymn to Amun in the Time of Revelation

Amun was one of many deities in Kemetic theology who created the cosmos, known as “The Hidden One.” Gratitude to David Klotz for his paper “Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple.” Full text of poem at bottom of post.

Hymn to Amun in the Time of Revelation

by Anthony Rella

Eye of empty 
space: witness 
the unweaving
of untempered 
faith occluding 
truth, reflecting
who we are
in your iris,
glaring mirror.
I. Sun

We circle you 
in joy, anger.
Spiral horns 
shred infinity
into particular, 
cracking dams
releasing rivers
of endless light.
Eternal help
and burden
piercing matter,
making bodies
into your altar.
II. Moon

First heartbeat, 
beat of night
and body,
nation and tide,
ease and guilt,
grief and delight.
Feasting dog,
consuming shit,
offering seeds
in nightmare.
III. Wind 

Great sky cow,
giving to us 
nourishing milk
of broad view
beyond opposition.
We sacrifice
the knowledge
of a grassblade
to you who eats
the entire field.
With your lungs
filter particulates
from this storm
sifting the meaning
from mere survival.
IV. Water

Ungoverned gator,
devour without
apology the burden
of leaden hearts.
V. Earth 

Belly of the serpent
in whom ancestors
sing aliveness for us,
pressing against stone
digesting pain to joy.
All feeling is offering
in testament to being.
Your lesson: loosen
what is dry and tight,
exposing tenderness;
unveiling life restored.

Hymn to Amun in the Time of Revelation
by Anthony Rella

Eye of empty 
space: witness 
the unweaving
of untempered 
faith occluding 
truth, reflecting
who we are
in your iris,
glaring mirror.

I. Sun

We circle you 
in joy, anger.
Spiral horns 
shred infinity
into particular, 
cracking dams
releasing rivers
of endless light.
Eternal help
and burden
piercing matter,
making bodies
into your altar. 

II. Moon 

First heartbeat, 
beat of night
and body,
nation and tide,
ease and guilt,
grief and delight.
Feasting dog,
consuming shit,
offering seeds
in nightmare.

III. Wind 

Great sky cow,
giving to us 
nourishing milk
of broad view
beyond opposition.
We sacrifice
the knowledge
of a grassblade
to you who eats
the entire field.
With your lungs
filter particulates
from this storm
sifting the meaning
from mere survival.

IV. Water

Ungoverned gator,
devour without
apology the burden
of leaden hearts.

V. Earth 

Belly of the serpent
in whom ancestors
sing aliveness for us,
pressing against stone
digesting pain to joy.
All feeling is offering
in testament to being.
Your lesson: loosen
what is dry and tight,
exposing tenderness;
unveiling life restored.