There was a time several years ago when my regular blog writing started to gain traction and my regular views began to really increase. Then Facebook did something different, acted different, updated the all-mighty algorithm, and I was back to very few clicks a day.
Or perhaps it’s convenient to blame technology and it’s just my moment, barely achieved, had lost its draw?
These are the kinds of questions I feel as the sun traverses Aquarius. This is a season where that potent joy of creation and feeling of purpose really feels hemmed in by the changing structures of the culture around us. Laws change, tastes change, technology disrupts old pathways, and here we are trying to shine our little lights while the walls move around us.
It’s enough to get someone wanting to claim the power to be the changer, to make the rules and the laws and decide who gets attention. And the effort required takes us further from lives of play and connection into the heavy work of organizing and gaining power.
But the light always shines from within wherever we are held, and these shifting walls may themselves let us shine the brighter.
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