The best way to inquire about availability is to send me an email. Please specify which service you are requesting. I deliver all services below in 55-minute increments priced at $185 per session. Payment is expected at time of service.


I provide therapy at 1833 North 105th Street, #106, Seattle, WA 98133. I deeply believe in the importance and efficacy of in-person therapy, and I recognize the convenience and necessity of Telehealth. For new clients, I expect in-person sessions to be our primary form of interaction. We may decide to use Telehealth occasionally to accommodate barriers as they arise, particularly if one of us gets sick but wants to meet.

Please review this document on what to expect from your licensed counselor.

My rate is $185 per clinical hour. As of October 20, 2024, I will be leaving all insurance panels and will expect payment at time of service. If your insurance covers out-of-network treatment, I am able to provide paperwork for you to submit for reimbursement.

Good Faith Estimate: Monthly costs of therapy are approximately $740 for weekly sessions and $370 for biweekly, assuming you attend every session. The length of therapy depends on your goals, acuity, and willingness; you may stop therapy at your will.

I am a signatory with GALAP and committed to providing no-cost assessments for trans and nonbinary clients who need a secondary letter from a Master’s-level clinician for surgery. This requires the completion of a session, but the session will not be charged, and scheduled as I have space available.


I provide clinical and psychospiritual consultation for those who would like additional perspectives in how to deepen their healing, growth, therapeutic, spiritual, or transformative self-work.

Psychotherapy Consultation

For clinicians who want additional support, I provide clinical consultation that draws upon my years of experience in group and individual work with adults. We may work with parts of self activated in your work in general or with specific clients. Often I find that when we feel stuck with a client, we are often stuck with our own parts. Bringing Self-led connection to that stuckness can let the therapeutic work flow freely, even if we don’t focus on the client.

Clinical topics of experience include: chronic suicidality, gender dysphoria, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, masculinity and men’s issues, queer sexuality and relationships, spiritual emergencies, integration of spiritual breakthroughs, toxic guilt and shame, overfunctioning and underfunctioning in relationships, profound hopelessness, emptiness, and grief.

For clients who feel stuck in their therapy work and want additional support, I can provide consultation that may include Internal Family Systems work to address the stuckness or parts of self that struggle to assert themselves in your primary therapy work. These sessions cannot be billed to insurance as we will not be diagnosing. If you wish to pursue this, I encourage you to talk to your therapist first.

The fee for consultation is $185 for fifty-five minutes, $150 for forty-five minutes, or $100 for a half hour.

Psychospiritual Consultation

If you’re interested in a more expansive and intuitive approach to your healing and growth, a psychospiritual consultation looks to the depths of your soul and the heights of your spirit to help you coordinate yourself in the here and now. You can share as little or as much about where you are seeking guidance, and I will offer insights or practices to try. These may include spiritual frameworks such as Tarot, in which I have two decades of experience, or astrology, in which I have more than a decade of experience. I may employ my intuitive sense or my clinical insight to offer perspective. You are a whole being who already has power and all the resources you need for your development, and like all humans you may benefit from a compassionate witness and observer to help you see what is within.

These consultations are helpful in general when you feel stuck or lost but lack clarity on why or where you want to go. They also can provide greater depth or perspective to an issue that is so familiar to you that you’ve given up on trying to change it. The fee for consultation is $185 for fifty-five minutes, $150 for forty-five minutes, or $100 for a half hour.

Supervision for Licensed Mental Health Counselors

I meet criteria to be an Approved Supervisor for Licensed Mental Health Counselors in Washington state. I am passionate supporting new therapists in growing their clinical skills and building confidence in all aspects of their practice. If you are interested, please contact me.

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