Chafing against constriction.

Social norms are the ways we make it possible to relate to each other and the ways we inhibit each other from actions that would cause too much harm or disruption to the group. Some words are unsayable, thoughts are unthinkable, actions branded as crimes that carry the consequences of expulsion or incarceration, all to maintain the cohesion of the whole at the expense of the freedom of the individual.

Yet these restrictions are never fully comfortable, never fully resolved. The individual with our unique needs, our unique ideas and thoughts, our desires will push against those norms seeking to make new space. Sometimes, circumstances or conspiring forces push radical changes to collective norms to which the group must adapt, or else it fractures into conflict.

The season of Aquarius is a phase of the radical restructuring, the shifts of governing norms that could empower some individuals and suppress others. As Mercury moves through it, its quickness of mind and cleverness of will wants to move faster than the collective can tolerate, creating confusion. Our understandings could empower us to gleeful trashing of obstacles, or overwhelm us with feelings of helplessness, but neither can possibly be complete. Every impulse invokes its countering impulse. To change radically invokes the countering pressure to maintain the status quo. To behave recklessly and quickly invokes the slow but powerful countering of great containing force. To attempt to constrain and suppress invokes the upwelling of resistance.

If you can, let your mind take in these dualities as they move together. The symbol of Aquarius is like two lightning bolts moving in parallel, and so too are these forces of revolution and oppression, radical change and resistance. On a cosmic level, these forces could easily dance together. In our human bodies and human lives, these forces radically destabilize us in their warring. Drink water and try to get rest.


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