“What negative belief are you struggling to confirm?” I had written this question to myself months ago and have reflected on it recently. Though I…
Wanting to Become Open
There is a god from the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) pantheon named Nefertum. According to one of the stories of creation, Nefertum emerged from the blue…
Upcoming publication and Kickstarter
To break from my recent trend, I am proud to announce that a short story of mine, “Heart of the Labyrinth,” has been accepted for…
Inner Dialogue
Our lives may be colored by a particular feeling or mood, accompanied by certain thoughts or beliefs that seem to recur. In my own life…
Navigating Multiple Worlds
We live in at least two worlds. One world is our outward experience: conversations with friends, work, chores, the movement of history, all of which…
Vulnerability can be a terrifying feeling to have. We spend much of our lives developing strategies to mitigate this, this underlying awareness of our own…
Mood and Motivation
Mood is like weather. Moods change and shift without warning, their causes are subtle and at times difficult to predict. With self-observation one may come…
Clinging – Letting Go
Sometimes we get stuck. It may make no sense. Parts of life might be going really well. The feeling seems to come from nowhere. All…
Deal With It
“I don’t want to deal with it.” Some people avoid going to doctors because they “don’t want to deal” with what they might find out.…
Believe in Yourself
Articles like “How to Belief in Yourself: 8 steps” offer “steps” with some helpful insight, yet bother me for their simplicity, particularly upon reaching the…